In 2017, the brand approached Sparro to increase sign ups to its online betting platform, beginning with the Spring Racing Carnival season and the Melbourne Cup.
We created a wide-reaching build covering all major races across Australia and New Zealand, inserting dynamic information on race times, tracks, prize money and more. This was then extended to cover all other major sporting events. Our custom rules ensured that campaigns were not live post-race, reducing wastage on users searching for results.
Display and video campaigns complemented our intent-based paid search build, allowing us to reach new audiences across YouTube and Google display network at a major scale.
TAB NZ saw record paid results during the Spring Carnival season last year, particularly on Melbourne Cup Day where sign ups increased by 134% yoy.
60% of sign ups on this day were generated by search campaigns, and keyword coverage was strong with an 87% impression share.
We’re now preparing for our fourth Melbourne Cup with the brand, and have driven record results in all major sporting events since our engagement.